Saturday, July 15, 2006

Working from july 17 to 23, 2006

Weekly, TaDRI group has metting on Monday 2 PM

  • In this week both TaDRI group 1 and 2 are continue woking on Developing Plan 1 (DP1)
  • Ms. Cuc organizes her group to complete the data analysis related to MPn1-2006
  • Ms. Cuc and Long finished report related to MPn3-2006
  • Mr. Hien works with material collection related to IPn1-2006
  • Mr. Tuan fininishes his work on finance related to NPn1-2006
  • TaDRIG 1 continueing works with 2 subject reports related to MPn1-2006
  • Ms. Hanh works on a subject report related to MPn2 -2006
  • Mr. Linh has appointments to work with VUSTA, CPFC, NP, MOS
  • Mr. Hieu participates on Youth work training


1 comment:

Phandee said...

Ngoc and I have finished our task. Hien is the slowest 'cause he has trouble with his computer.
So that, I'll send u the general analysis tomorrow afternoon.